Friday, August 12, 2011


Terpikir sejenak
my fren prnah bertanya
" npe ea,.ada 0rang yang seperti kita?
da mcm c0pycat pulak :p "

mak sy cakap
bgus la 2,.at least ada 0rang yang pay attenti0n toward you and your ideas
di mata mereka,.u're c0ol :p
xpun e2 semua kebetulan je lah,.
think p0sitive ta0 kawan2 when u're having this kind of situati0n


*peringatan buat diri sendiri gak neh,kdg2 ske c0pycat dress style 0rang :p {setempek kne
cikhaty:  xsemua orang ada identiti tersendiri,peace yawl!


  1. takpe2..copycat dy bahagia
    takpe pun..hahahaa
    peace yau..
    aku folo weii..keep in touch k..=)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hihi.. salah post lak tadi.. ;p
    urmm tol tu think positive..

    coz stuju gila part last tu
    xsemua orang ade identiti sendiri~
    peace yaw tya! hihi

    secara jujur, iera suka cara tya,sempoi jerk
    huhu but xde lah copycat just suka tgk cara tya yg so sweet n comey bangat kena ngan angan2sikechil n dakthectic! huhu Loike!
    mizz u dear n hargai sgt dpt knal tya... ;p

    sory tya if iera ttbe cam terikot cara tya..
    amponn...haha :D

  4. far8: haha,.thanks wess

    iera: ad0i,.aip2,.tya bt neh rand0m je ira,.c0z my fren k0mplain de 0rg tiru style pkaian dia,.hihi,.tya pun sllu je cpycat dress up 0rang,.kih2:p
    btw,.thanks,.de gak 0rang ske cra tya,.yeay! ^-^
    miss u m0re fren^-^


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