About daktechic

It is a simple st0ry 0f a typical y0ung girl, Tya.
Love 2 be l0ved.L0ved 2 love.

Hv difficulties in finding the right sh0e because 0f the size.
"size 3 0r 4 please"
Hazel eyes.

The "kecik" ones from 6siblings
3gadys 3jejaka

She's an animal l0ver.
G0t 2 kids and a grands0n (f0r n0w:p)

Since child, all she kn0w was life full 0f c0lors.
Black.Red.Purple.Green.Yell0w. etc.
Every c0lors represent a different em0ti0n that 0nly she kn0ws.

She l0ves stars.
That calm her d0wn.

Her childh0od n0t like many 0ther kids.
Yet, she's happy with it,.because that make her even str0nger and drive her t0 grab and h0ld the future.

She loves smiling.
Love to laugh.

Very sensitive type 0f person.
Easy to cry.(em0tionally)

Haiwan--> her best friend

A Chillian.
Tya Poinsettia is her Chillies's name.
Proud with it.

S0ulmate : M.S.N.R.

0h ya!
She's a big fan 0f Puan Aishah!
Her mama!

:: psstt~ this bl0g is just f0r fun,.bukan utk cari glamer 0r cepat kaya,.heks,.i write what i wanna write,.n0 specific intenti0n,.saya suka berangan, berm0nolog sendiri,cakap pandang cermin, s0 dari di lekatkan c0p "kurang kewarasan" ,i started this bl0g. Just t0 express h0w i feel in daily life.  So yar, here i am,.a BIG AMP0ONN~ if mengganggu pandangan mata juga deria anda yg lain.^-^

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