Friday, November 26, 2010

Hari Ceria tlh pergi.

hari ceria telah pergi,.
dia terllu penat dengan lak0nan duniawi

inginkn kegembiraan 
dengan cara menangis sendirian,.
then dia akn tersenyum sendiri berkali2

she will be fine,.
just fine n cheer en0ugh to face the reality
dunia e2 suatu agenda
agenda yang subjektif
sukar d tafsirkan,.

pada suatu ketika
dia merasakn
she'd make the rite decisi0n in her life
yet the next day
she felt like..
she l0st everything
she feel empty.

2 turn back?
n0,.she w0uld not d0 that
she need t0 walk straight,.until d end
although there a multi junctions that she can ch0ose
n although she need to walk al0ne

hari ceria telah pergi
suda tiba hari hiba
hiba kah?
haish,..a st0ry that will never end,.
l0ve st0ry,.
pt0t ke dktechic percya dia
percaya everything he said t0 me?
0r sh0uld i trust that w0man
gler lah permainan 0rg dewasa neh
xfhm,.btul2 xfhm,..
ssh jugak if se0rg lelaki e2 de ber'business partner ngn his ex gal
trikat smpai skrg la jwbnye
n me,.?

terkial2 cuba memahami

haha,.rilex dktechic
eni duniawi,.
chenta tuhan yg SATU e2 wajib

i trust him
tp bkn t0tal trust
ckup terkne sekali,.
jgn terkne berkali2,.kann

da dpt semangat ckit after melepaskn lelah n ragu2 d bl0g eni

slmt bertemu bintang n bulan^-^


  1. Tea... hidup ni banyak wane kan..
    jap wane pepel (fav kolor) jap wane grey (hate kolor) haha.. pape pun.. just be yourself k..
    hadapi sume dgn tenang..
    sometimes dugaan tu dtg tanpe di duga..
    p sbnarnye tu adalah dugaan yg mematangkan kite..juga tande tuhan sygkan kite..
    buat kite lbh kuat n bersedia utk hadapi dugaan lain yg jauh lbh hebat dr kite rse skunk...insyallh.. u'll be oke.. btol tu..ingt tuhan tu selalu ade bersame kite..^^

  2. ^-^
    i will iera,.
    just sumtimes,.ase cm l0st,.
    e2 je,.
    yes,.id0p eni pnuh dgn warna,.
    warna yg mewakili stiap rasa,.
    hehe,..i will be str0ng,.
    kuat kuat!


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