da byk hari x tulis dlm neh,.
quite busy with upc0ming events
(ph0tography w0rksh0p, issue event plus 0ur maj0r event,.we l0ve we share we care)
h0pefully everything run acc0rding t0 plan,.insyaAllah with teamw0rk spirit fr0m Chillies Chillian
17 januari 2011
Happy birthday dear
yg ke 25 ta0n,.tua suda apek s0rg neh
may Allah bless u in everything u d0
n sm0ga impian kita kekal dan tercapai.
00:00 midnite 17.1.2011
celebrate birthday kt mcd puncak alam
glad that he can make it blik cni fr0m Jb
tercapai gak angan2 dktechic 2 celebrate his birthday
g0t n0thing t0 give,.
a day bef0re jln2 ngn c gadys, Sasa n Cikwani cari present f0r him,.
yet xta0 nk bli pe,.s0 decide,.ask him what he want
and the answer is ,....'aut0bot plz my,.xpun ksut 0r bju,.demand this time'
sgt demand d citu jelas ketara,. :p
dlm byk2 aut0bot gak yg dye nk,.{transf0rmers dktechic ta0 lah,.haha :p
yelah,.c0ming s0on 0kea apek,.xsmpat nk g bli,.
yet mlm 2 just sempat blikn apek ch0c cake je plus birthday card from bdk2 rumah n a card fr0m me
e2 pun celebrate dpn umah n dpn kete dye
thanks t0 sasa n aieman c0z tmn dktechic blikn cake
de gak cter yg klakar d sblik nk bli kek 2
tp biar la kt0rg je yg ta0 kn c gadys,.
simple,.yet meaningful..
then hari2 seterusnya temankn dye bli brg2 ank2 kucen dye
kuar lpk McD everyday + breakfast with him
gelak puas2 n dktechic bljar tntang dye ckit2 day by day
plus,.hepy c0z dye smkin gem0k,.
ngeh2 {gelak jaat :P
Dy,.thanks f0r every w0rds u pr0mised me
day by day,.i will build the trust 0n our l0ve
cikHaty: usah d kenang mem0ry yg lalu,.kerna e2 hanya sejarah yang tlah berlaku dan insyaAllah x akan berulang lg.
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